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What is Calisthenics? A Short Introduction For Beginners

I've always been intrigued by the human body's ability to simply sustain itself and do the unbelievable. I've always been one to believe that you can put whatever you put your mind to, and the human body's strength capabilities are not an exception to this rule.

Calisthenics daily defines calisthenics as "a form of exercise where you use the weight of your own body to build muscle". That's really what it is. Calisthenics allows you to build muscle with no weight lifting, besides of course, your own body weight.

Calisthenics Upper-Body Exercises Without Weights

The simplest form of calisthenics, that you probably already know about, are push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups and crunches. Push-ups work the muscles in your chest, shoulders as well as your triceps. Sit-ups work on your core stability and abdominal muscles. Pull-ups work your back, biceps and grip, and are a great test of upper-body strength.

Calisthenics Pull ups with a bar

Correct way to do push-ups

Basic Sit-ups

Lower Body Exercise Workouts Without Weights

Squats are the most effective lower body exercises when practising calisthenics. Although squats are generally thought of as leg exercises, they also promote body wide muscle building through different variations. When done properly, contrary to popular belief, squats can strengthen the connective tissue in your knees and strengthen overall stability.

Body-Weight Squat

Plie Squat

Single-Leg Squat

Benefits of Calisthenic Training & Exercise

Calisthenics can be done virtually anywhere as they simply require your own bodyweight. You can do them at home or at the park. It's a cost effective workout method, because you can start without any expensive exercise equipment or weights. It's the best way to develop basic coordination, stability and strength before moving on to lifting weights and other advanced form of bodybuilding.

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