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So how can you approach networking from a prospective that ultimately leads to increased business? First, it is important to understand that developing a network is a process, and it is about building relationships. A key objective of effective networking is to find out about others - their concerns, problems, needs, and wants.

3 Must Know Tips For Doing More Business Online

Excellent customer service is crucial to ensure your business makes sales and builds long-lasting relationships for return purchases. Here are 10 tips to guarantee you got your customer service on point. 

The Mobile Office - Organizing Your Car for Business Travel

Marketing small businesses online has changed. Gone are the days when websites were little more than static, brochures online. Things have moved on at a pace, and they are now much more dynamic and geared to building a two-way relationship with clients or customers, rather than simply providing one-way information. As such, there are a host of things to be borne in mind when developing websites for marketing small businesses on line. So, as a small business, whether you're developing your site yourself or, more importantly briefing a design agency, here's three important things to bear in mind

How to Write a Business Plan in Five Steps

To paraphrase a real estate expression, the three most important things about a business plan are research, research, and research. While other things are important (even critical), ultimately your plan will live or die on the quality and completeness of your information. For that matter, you're about to risk your time and financial future on a project - how much information do you want to have?

Top 10 Customer Service Tips

Excellent customer service is crucial to ensure your business makes sales and builds long-lasting relationships for return purchases. Here are 10 tips to guarantee you got your customer service on point. 

Poverty to Riches: Myth or Reality?

You CAN start with empty pockets and piles of bills and build a steady income, even wealth, via the internet. It's a long, hard road though, so it's best to prepare and take along a good map.


Here are some first steps to getting started as an internet entrepreneur.


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