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You Don't Want It Bad Enough

Today I personally realized I don't want it bad enough. I don't want it as bad as the person working two to three jobs. I don't want it as badly as someone willing to sweep the streets to get it. I don't want it as bad as someone willing to work minimum wage to get it.

In my mind I want it. I imagine the life I'm supposed to be living. I see it all. From the house, to the car, the lifestyle and everything else. It's all well detailed. But the truth is, I don't want it enough to work for it. I only want it as far as my imagination is willing to take me.

My mind is exhausted from the number of ideas I try to come up with to avoid the necessary work required for me to get it. I spend more time looking for for a shortcut than actually working towards whatever it is that I want. I'm guilty of spending time over the unnecessary with the hope of achieving the extraordinary.

Simply put - I don't want to work. I'm lazy. I think I'm a hard-worker for all the hours "I put in". The truth is, I'm just killing time, trying to convince myself that I am productive.

But you know what the beauty of this realization is? I can stop living the lie. I can actually begin to work, now that I realize what a fugazi I have been pulling. The realization of how badly I didn't want it, has made me realize how badly I do want it.

The question is no longer, "how badly do u want it, but it's now "how badly are you willing to work for it, in order to get it?".

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